Stop making changes for change or PC sake!
I’ve had it! I am tired of the comic book and movie companies who currently own the “rights” to old and well known movie characters arbitrarily making changes that are unnecessary, unwanted and ridiculous.
Marvel recently announced that its next Thor movie would feature a female Thor. Why? Because in this politically correct world we live in, they feel there are not enough strong female comic book characters.
I hate to break it to you Marvel but while you may own the comic and movie rights to Thor (and that begs another question), YOU DON’T OWN THE RIGHT TO NORSE MYTHOLOGY AND THE NORSE GODS!
The other question? How can Marvel or anyone claim to own the rights to something that is only about 10,000 years older then the company? Did you go to Norse country and buy those rights? Or did you just say, “Hey! No one else is exercising those rights so they are ours?”
Thor, the god of Thunder in Norse mythology is older the England. Thor was an old god when the Vikings first traveled across the North Sea and pillaged the land that would become England. The god Thor – or one of the other 14 names he was known by – was old and worshiped before the Roman occupied Germania. Thor, according to all the Norse mythology I have seen or heard, is a MAN. He was born a MAN, He should stay a Man.
And, on top of all that, the Thor of Norse mythology was fierce eyed, red haired and RED BEARDED. He was not the clean-shaven softy that the Thor movies and the comic books have portrayed. Marvel has dishonored the mythology of Thor since forever.
And, if you want a new, strong female superhero/god, then why not steal one of the female gods or Valkyries? How about developing a movie about Freyja? She is beautiful, sensual and RIDES TO BATTLE AMONG THE SLAIN! She freaking commands an army of Viking Zombies! How much stronger can a female character be?
And what about the Valkyries? You know, the infamous FEMALE Viking demigod/warriors who also has the ability to choose between those who die in battle and those who live?
But no, Marvel has to totally disregard thousands of years of mythology and say, “Hey! Thor had a sex change! He died and came back a woman!”
Of course, Marvel doesn’t care about mythology or the canon of its own fictional characters. This has been evident since the beginning of Marvel’s moving its characters to movies. But in their defense, how many of today’s younger movie viewers have even read or knew that there was a Nick Fury’s Agents of Shield comic book world? They probably don’t even know that Nick Fury was originally Sargent Nick Fury from the World War II based comic books. Oh! Don’t tell anyone by Nick Fury was white.
It’s not just Marvel who are ignoring the mythology or canon of fictional characters. Look at how movie studios have screwed up all the different pirate characters, Peter Pan and any other mythological gods and heroes they can get their hands own.
A prime example of that on network TV is the show Elementary which has a main character named Sherlock Holmes. While Sherlock is still a brilliant detective and is still a male, they have put their own spin on his character that some die-hard Sherlock Holmes fans hate. In the CBS version Holmes is troubled by a battle with drug addiction and has the emotional issues that go along with just about every recovering addict. The die-hard fans hate this even though in the original books and short stories Sherlock Holmes was a cocaine user. What the writers and producers of Holmes did was simply carry that forward and ask what Holmes would be like if he became a recovering addict.
Where they messed with the “canon” in my opinion was when they decided to make Dr. Watson a female and more as Holmes’ protégé instead of his companion. Read the books and short stories! Doyle’s Watson is an English male who served in the British Army. The Dr. Watson on Elementary is an Asian female who was a surgeon until she killed someone. Oh! And now she is almost as adept as Holmes at solving crimes. Talk about ignoring your canon?
I’m not saying Watson can’t be intelligence. I hated the way Dr. Watson was portrayed in some of the old movies as a bumbler. But let’s face it, they threw out Watson’s as a heroic military doctor and replaced him with a failed female surgeon who caused the death of someone on the operating table.
You have to ask yourself what is next? What are they going to “re-boot” next and screw with? Are they going to bring Dr. Who back as a female who travels time and space in a Porta-Potty? Are they going to bring Scooby-Doo back as a Siamese cat?
Look, I know that the comic books own the rights to the characters they created and can do what they want to with them. (I still don’t know how they can claim the rights to mythological beings though) But do you have to keep “re-imagining” them? Can’t you just write new and interesting storylines?